If you have a Cameo 2 or Cameo 3 model, you can cut Studio files directly from a USB device while you are not connected to a computer.

Saving Files onto USB Device

To cut from a USB device, you will first need to save your file onto your USB device as follows:

  1. Insert your USB device into your computer so that it is accessible
  2. Open Silhouette Studio
  3. Open or create your design
  4. Save your file by selecting Save > Save to Hard Drive
  5. Navigate to save your file to your USB drive
  6. Give your file a name and select to save as a Silhouette Studio file type
  7. Once saved, safely eject your USB device from your computer

Cutting Directly from Cameo 2 or Cameo 3

Once you have your design file saved to your USB device, you can cut it directly from your Cameo 2 or Cameo 3 machine as follows:

  1. Power on your Cameo machine
  2. Insert the USB device into the Cameo's USB slot on the right-hand side of the machine
  3. Load your material into the Cameo using the Load option on the touchscreen
  4. Tap the "Browse USB" option on the touchscreen
  5. Tap the "Select file" option on the touchscreen and browse to your desired design file on the USB memory device
  6. Tap "Select" once your desired design file is highlighted
  7. Tap "Cut Settings" to adjust your settings for the material type you are using
  8. Once ready, tap the "Start" or "Cut" option to begin your job