To cancel your Silhouette Design Store subscription:

  1. Go to the subscription page on your Silhouette Design Store account:
  2. Sign into your Silhouette account, if prompted
  3. Scroll down to the 'Subscriptions' section to locate your current subscription
  4. Click on the 'Cancel' option

Subscription Credits

If you have any remaining subscription credit, we would encourage you to use it prior to cancelation.

Ending your subscription will immediately forfeit any unused subscription credits remaining on your account. Subscription credits can only be used during the course of an active subscription. 

Subscriptions Paid via PayPal

Though not typically necessary, if your subscription was paid via PayPal, we would encourage you to additionally do the following in the PayPal app to double-check and confirm the subscription is ended:

  1. Open your settings by clicking the wheel at the top of the app
  2. Select "Automatic Payments"
  3. Select the Silhouette subscription, if still present

Subscription Terms & Conditions

Click here for subscription Terms and Conditions.