If you are hearing a high-pitch noise being emitted from your Cameo 4 model, please rest assured that the sound you are hearing does not indicate a defect with the machine itself. This issue can be resolved by performing a firmware update.

Updating Firmware

To correct this issue:

  1. Go to https://www.silhouetteamerica.com/software/ss
  2. Click on "Download"
  3. Proceed to install the update
  4. Open Silhouette Studio
  5. Go to the SEND panel
  6. Connect your cutting machine to your computer via USB cable
    NOTE: An 'Update Now' option will be displayed
  7. Click 'Update Now' to initiate the firmware update

Do not disconnect or turn off your machine while updating. The software will say "Ready" when the update is complete. Once completed, you can power off your machine and then back on.