If your blade is unexpectedly cutting through your material even though your settings are at the proper level for your material, please review the following points.
Check Software
If this issue recently started after updating the software, we recommend updating the software to the latest Beta version available (see Using Beta Software Versions). If you encounter continued problems, please alternately downgrade to the previous version that was working properly for you (see Uninstalling or Downgrading Software Version).
Clean the Blade
If the error persists, please review the steps to clean the blade (see Blade Maintenance) and the steps to properly load the blade into the machine (see Loading Blade/Tools into the Machine).
Check Blade Setting
If the blade continues to cut too deeply, please check the blade setting to ensure it was not accidentally dialed beyond the setting range (i.e. adjusted from a setting of 10 upward to a "higher" setting, which could then read as "0" and cause the blade to always be overexposed).
If this is the case, please attempt to dial the blade back to its original setting of 0 (see Blade Not Adjusting).
Replace Blade
If all else fails, we recommend to replace your blade.