Some designs offered from the Silhouette Design Store are ready-made Print & Cut designs. You can identify these by the 'P' appearing on the thumbnail's bottom left-hand corner.

Images with no icon on the thumbnail will indicate a Regular Cut designs. 

Regular Cut designs will have cut lines around each design piece whereas Print & Cut designs will typically have a cut line only around the outer contour of the overall design.

Converting Regular Designs for Print & Cut

You can convert Regular Cut designs into Print & Cut files by doing the following:

  1. Open the Regular Cut design into your workspace
  2. Right-click and select Ungroup
    NOTE: With some designs, you may need to select Release Compound Path in order to work with individual design parts
  3. Select a design component you want to color
  4. Open the Fill panel
  5. Select a desired fill color or pattern

Converting Regular Designs into Paper Piecings

Some Regular Cut designs have individual pieces designed to be cut from different colored materials and then assembled after cutting (see Miss Kate Cuttables designs). These are often called "paper-piecing" designs.

For a more advanced project, you can turn a paper-piecing, regular cut file into a Print & Cut file as follows:

  1. Open the Regular Cut design.
  2. If you see red cut lines with no other filled color, you will need to add color.
    NOTE: If the design is already filled with color, you may proceed to step 5 below.
  3. To add color, perform the steps listed in the instructions above
  4. Repeat until all shapes are filled with your desired colors
  5. Click and drag the pieces to assemble the image in the software, as desired.
    NOTE: You may need to right-click on select shapes to "Bring to Front" if they are not properly layered visually.
  6. Once the design appears as desired, select all shapes together
  7. Right-click and select Group
  8. With the design selected, go to the SEND panel
  9. Select the Cut Edge option

You should have a colored image with one active cut line around the outer edge only. Though they may still show in the software, all other red cut lines will not print out or be cut.