To locate what version of Silhouette Studio software you are currently running:

  1. Open Silhouette Studio
  2. Go to the Help menu (PC) or Silhouette Studio menu (Mac)
  3. Select 'About Silhouette Studio'
  4. The software version number will be listed as shown below

Software Version

NOTE: The letters after the numbers indicate which edition of the software you are running as follows:

  • ssde - Designer Edition
  • ssae - Designer Edition Plus
  • ssbe - Business Edition

Software Updates

We encourage all to update the software as new versions are released. Updates are higher versions of the software that can introduce new features and/or bug fixes. Updating the software is free.

Updating the software does not affect software upgrades. Updating your software version simply applies updates to the software and moves the program to a higher version. Any upgrade edition applied should not be impacted. However, if your upgrade is lost for any reason, you can recover it.