To uninstall Silhouette Connect, follow the steps below for your operating system and host software:

Adobe Illustrator (PC)

  1. Close Adobe Illustrator®
  2. Press the [Windows]+R on keyboard simultaneously
  3. Type Control Panel in Run window
  4. Press Enter
  5. Select the option for Programs > Programs and Features
  6. Select Silhouette Connect
  7. Select the option to Uninstall/Change at the top of the list

Adobe Illustrator (Mac)

  1. Close Adobe Illustrator®
  2. Browse your computer to the Adobe Illustrator folder and
  3. Open the "Plug-ins" folder 
  4. Right-click the folder for the Silhouette Connect and choose Delete

CorelDRAW (PC)

  1. Close CorelDRAW®
  2. Press [Windows]+R on the keyboard simultaneously
  3. Type control panel in Run window
  4. Press Enter
  5. Select Programs > Program and Features
  6. Select Silhouette Connect
  7. Select the option to Uninstall/Change at the top of the list