If you find a library design where the thumbnail is blank, incorrect, or has a 'Waiting' or 'Download Failed' message where the thumbnail should be, this indicates an error in the library's ability to properly connect and sync.

Fixing the Downloaded Design

To resolve this concern:

  1. Open Silhouette Studio
    IMPORTANT: You must be running the current software version for the following steps to work
  2. Go to the Library
  3. Locate Designs with the blank thumbnail image
  4. Right-click (or Ctrl+click for Mac) on the blank/incorrect thumbnail in the library
  5. Select 'Retry Download'

After a few moments, the design should be updated with the proper thumbnail picture displayed.

Additional Troubleshooting for Library

If the issue remains for the entire library or the majority of your library:

  1. Open Silhouette Studio
  2. Go to the Library
  3. Click on your username in the library
  4. Click on the red 'X' next to your account address
    NOTE: This action will remove all account content from your library. You may wish to back up any custom user-created content you may have saved directly into the software if you have not already created backup copies.
  5. Exit and re-open Silhouette Studio
    NOTE: If you only had one account added, you will be prompted immediately to add a new library user. You can click on the 'X' in the upper right-hand corner of the software to exit immediately.
  6. Go to the Library
  7. Sign into your Silhouette account
    • If prompted with a 'Welcome' message, click 'Continue' until you are prompted to 'Sign In'. Then sign in to your account and wait for the sync action to be completed.
    • If you are not prompted, click on 'Hello, Username' in the upper left-hand corner of the Library, and select 'Add User'. Then sign in to your account and wait for the sync action to be completed. 

Additional Troubleshooting for Specific Designs

If the issue remains for only select images, remove the images in question and re-download as follows:

  1. Open Silhouette Studio
  2. Go to the Library
  3. Locate the design(s) with the blank/incorrect thumbnail image
  4. Right-click (Ctrl+click for Mac) on the design(s)
  5. Select the option to remove/delete
  6. Right-click on the Recycling Bin and select 'Empty Recycle Bin'
  7. Once all designs with thumbnail issues have been removed, click on the 'Sync' button (located in the lower left-hand side of the library)

Still Not Working

If you are still encountering library issues where the majority of your designs from the Silhouette Design Store are failing, do the following:

  1. Close Silhouette Studio
  2. Downgrade Silhouette Studio to version 4.3.370
  3. If on PC
    1. Press [Windows]+R on the keyboard simultaneously
    2. Type %programdata% into the Run box
    3. Press Enter
    4. Select the folder below, and rename it by adding 'OLD' to the end
    5. EXAMPLE: com.aspexsoftware.silhouette_studio.8 > com.aspexsoftware.silhouette_studio.8OLD

  4. If on Mac
    1. Open the Finder
    2. Press [Cmd]+[Shift]+G
    3. Type in /Library/Application Support (this can alternately be located by typing ~/Library/Application Support)
    4. Press Return
    5. Select the folder below, and rename by adding the word "old" onto the end
    6. EXAMPLE: com.aspexsoftware.silhouette_studio.8 > com.aspexsoftware.silhouette_studio.8OLD
    7. Attempt to start Silhouette Studio
  5. Open Silhouette Studio
  6. Sign into your library account and allow your designs to sync
  7. Close Silhouette Studio
  8. Update Silhouette Studio to the current software version