Silhouette software programs use RGB, HEX, and HSL color value control options. 

CMYK color value options are not currently supported.

NOTE: If desired, you can find a website to convert your CMYK colors to RGB values

Apply Custom Color Values

Update color values to customize lines or fill colors as follows:

  1. Open Silhouette Studio
  2. Select the Fill panel (to fill designs with color), or the Line Style panel (to change line colors)
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the panel to find the 'Custom Color' section
  4. Set the color value to the desired format (RGB, HEX, or HSL), and enter the desired value

Add Custom Colors to Pallette

You can create a custom pallete with specific colors as follows:

  1. Open Silhouette Studio
  2. Go to the Line Style or Fill Panel
  3. Click on "New Palette Name" and enter a name
  4. Draw a line
  5. Adjut the color as instructed in the "Apply Custom Color Values" 
  6. Click on the '+' symbol next to the palette name

This will add the color to your pa