Silhouette software programs use RGB, HEX, and HSL color value control options.
CMYK color value options are not currently supported.
NOTE: If desired, you can find a website to convert your CMYK colors to RGB values
Apply Custom Color Values
Update color values to customize lines or fill colors as follows:
- Open Silhouette Studio
- Select the Fill panel (to fill designs with color), or the Line Style panel (to change line colors)
- Scroll down to the bottom of the panel to find the 'Custom Color' section
- Set the color value to the desired format (RGB, HEX, or HSL), and enter the desired value
Add Custom Colors to Pallette
You can create a custom pallete with specific colors as follows:
- Open Silhouette Studio
- Go to the Line Style or Fill Panel
- Click on "New Palette Name" and enter a name
- Draw a line
- Adjut the color as instructed in the "Apply Custom Color Values"
- Click on the '+' symbol next to the palette name
This will add the color to your pa