The Silhouette Link software program is no longer offered or supported.
What is Silhouette Link
Silhouette Link was a program that would allow you to connect to your Silhouette cutting machine through your main computer when on a mobile device or other computer that was on the same WiFi environment. While the Silhouette machine was hooked up to your computer via a USB cord and running the Silhouette Link program, this would allow you to access the Silhouette machine from another computer or mobile device running a compatible program that could access the Silhouette Link connection.
While Silhouette Link was included with select older versions of the Silhouette Studio software, it is no longer supported or available for individual download.
Alternate Mobile Connection Option
If you would like to connect to your Silhouette cutting machine wirelessly, you can use the Silhouette Go™ mobile application. This will allow you to connect from a mobile device to your Bluetooth-enabled Silhouette cutting machine.