When running an older software version, you may encounter a Library error message code in Silhouette Studio that does not include any explanation (i.e. Error 401, Error 555, Error 556), this typically indicates an issue with being able to log in and access your Silhouette account.

Resolving the Error

To avoid these errors entirely, we strongly recommend you update Silhouette Studio to the latest available version.

If you are unable to update your software, these errors can usually be resolved as follows:

  1. Open Silhouette Studio
  2. Go to the Library
  3. Right-click on your username
  4. Click on the 'X' next to your email address to remove it
  5. Once removed, right-click again on your username
  6. Select 'Add User'
  7. Sign into your Silhouette account using your email address and password

If continued conerns are encountered, the only option to resolve these errors would be to update the software version.