If your Silhouette Studio Library is not loading properly in the latest software version directly after updating, and the standard recovery instructions did not work, please perform the following steps:

  1. Uninstall Silhouette Studio
  2. Once finished uninstalling, press [Windows]+R on the keyboard simultaneously
  3. Type %programdata% into the Run box
  4. Press Enter
  5. Select the folder below, and rename it by adding the word "old" to the end
    EXAMPLE: com.aspexsoftware.silhouette_studio.8 > com.aspexsoftware.silhouette_studio.8OLD
  6. Download and install version 4.3.370
  7. Launch Silhouette Studio 
  8. Go to the Library
  9. Sign into your account
  10. If your designs start downloading allow them to continue to download 
  11. Once completed click on your name in the upper left-hand portion of the Library
  12. Select 'Export library'. 
  13. Allow the library backup to complete
  14. Once completed, re-install the current version of Silhouette Studio
  15. Open Silhouette Studio
  16. Import your backed-up library