If you are experiencing Issues with Silhouette Design Store Purchases or Subscriptions click here to troubleshoot.
- Silhouette Design Store Purchases
- Credits
- Subscriptions
- Sign Up for Silhouette Design Store Subscription
- Upgrade Silhouette Design Store Subscription Level
- Downgrade Silhouette Design Store Subscription Level
- Canceling a Silhouette Design Store Subscription
- Updating Cards for Subscriptions
- To update the card associated with your Silhouette Design Store subscription:
- Additional Purchase Discount with Design Store Subscription
- Trial Subscription to Silhouette Design Store
- Subscription Terms and Conditions
- How Can I buy Finished Projects?
Silhouette Design Store Purchases
All content purchased from the Silhouette Design Store, regardless of method is yours to keep.
Accepted Payment Methods
Major Credit Card
You can use any major credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover) to make individual download purchases or to make subscription payments (month-to-month or annual payments).
You can use a PayPal account to make individual download purchases or to make subscription payments (month-to-month or annual payments).
Amazon Pay
You can use an Amazon Pay account to complete transactions for individual download purchases and annual subscription payments.
Note: While you can use Amazon Pay to purchase a subscription annually, this form of payment is not currently available for month-to-month subscription payments.
You can use an Amazon Pay account to complete transactions for individual download purchases, however you are unable to use credits for any Subscriptions. For more information on Credits click here.
Express Checkout
'Express Checkout' is a feature that allows you to use your Credits to purchase and add designs from the Silhouette Design Store to your Silhouette Library instantly.
Note: If you experience the error express checkout has been cancelled; This issue is caused by having external payment applications, such as HONEY or similar apps, installed. Unfortunately, these apps may not work seamlessly with Express Checkout. To resolve this, we recommend disabling any external payment applications and attempting the transaction again.
Using Credit on Account
Clicking on the Express Checkout button will ask if you want to immediately purchase the design without needing to go through the checkout experience. If you have Design Store credit available, the Express Checkout will provide the option to 'Proceed'.
Once you proceed, the credit is deducted from your account and the design will be added to your Silhouette library immediately.
Design Store credit is added to your account each month if you have a subscription to the Silhouette Design Store, or you can purchase a Credit Boost in order to add credit to your account.
No Credit on Account
The Express Checkout feature can only be used if there are sufficient credits on your account. If the cost exceeds your available credit, you can add additional credit either by upgrading your subscription or purchasing a Credit Boost.
Using Credits
To apply the rewards points, once you have added a design that is eligible to be used with points , Go to the checkout page and at the left of the order summary there is a box to enter the exact amount of your eligible purchase. Then click apply rewards points. This will update the cart total and you can then proceed to Checkout.
Example: your design is .99 you first enter 99 in the rewards points, then click apply Credits.
Note: If proceed to checkout is greyed out, ensure that you have a saved default billing address in your account, and if so resave it and this should resolve the issue.
Subscription Credits
When purchasing your subscription credits that are closest to expiring are used before any other credits.
Credit Boosts
If you have made a Credit Boost purchase, you can find a copy of your purchase on the 'Orders' tab on your Silhouette account (while in the Silhouette Design Store).
Credits are automatically added to your Silhouette account for use on the Silhouette Design Store. Credit Boosts will be displayed as 'Download Card' credits on your Silhouette Design Store account in the 'Credits & Subscriptions' section.
Note: Credit Boost purchases are displayed as 'Disc-XX'
Download Cards
You can purchase a physical card that will allow the purchase of digital designs from the Silhouette Design Store. You can get a card by visiting SilhouetteAmerica.com or by clicking here
- Sign Up for Silhouette Design Store Subscription
- Upgrade Silhouette Design Store Subscription Level
- Downgrade Silhouette Design Store Subscription Level
- Canceling a Silhouette Design Store Subscription
- Updating Cards for Subscriptions
- To update the card associated with your Silhouette Design Store subscription:
- Additional Purchase Discount with Design Store Subscription
- Trial Subscription to Silhouette Design Store
- Subscription Terms and Conditions
Subscriptions include the following benefits:
- Monthly credit allotment to spend at the Silhouette Design Store
- Additional discounts to purchases made after your monthly credits have been spent*.
- 5GB of user-design space for syncing personal designs in your software library
* Only with Deluxe level or higher. With the Deluxe level or higher, additional content may be purchased at 25% off the normal rate. With the Premium level or higher, additional content may be purchased at 50% off the normal rate.
Sign Up for Silhouette Design Store Subscription
If you would like to sign up for a Silhouette Design Store subscription:
- Go to the Silhouette Design Store subscription sign up page
- Select your desired subscription level and press 'Continue'
- Choose the desired start date of subscription and press 'Continue'
- Enter your credit card information and billing address and press 'Continue'
- Add a promotional code, if available
- Review and confirm all information is correct and press 'Submit'
Upgrade Silhouette Design Store Subscription Level
You can upgrade to a higher-level subscription at any time.
To upgrade your current Silhouette Design Store subscription:
- Go to the subscription sign-up page
- Select any higher subscription level from your current plan level
- Select your start date option
- Proceed to confirm sign up of your new subscription level and schedule
Upon confirmation, your new higher subscription level and pricing will begin immediately.
Note: Promotional discounts that may have been used on previous subscriptions will not carry over to upgraded levels. If you had previously paid up-front for your subscription, any unused amount will apply towards your upgraded subscription. Any remaining credit balance from a previous subscription will remain active on the account.
Downgrade Silhouette Design Store Subscription Level
You will need to stop your current Silhouette Design Store subscription in order to downgrade to a lesser subscription level. Once your subscription is ended, you can subscribe anew to a lower-level subscription level.
Please rest assured that any current subscription credits you have on your account will be carried over to your new lower-level subscription from your previous subscription with their original expiration dates.
NOTE: Cancellation of a subscription paid with an annual charge, rather than monthly, may incur a cancellation charge if canceled before an initial three-month subscription period. See 'Canceling a Subscription' under the site's Terms of Use.
Canceling a Silhouette Design Store Subscription
To cancel your Silhouette Design Store subscription:
- Go to your Silhouette account at the design store
- Sign into your Silhouette account if prompted
- Scroll down and click subscriptions tab
- Select your Silhouette Design Store subscription
- Select the 'Cancel Membership' button
Note: If you paid using PayPal you may want to review the following
Subscriptions Paid Via PayPal
Though not typically necessary, if your subscription was paid via PayPal, we would encourage you to additionally do the following in the PayPal app to double-check and confirm the subscription is ended:
- Open your settings by clicking the wheel at the top of the app
- Select "Automatic Payments"
- Select the Silhouette subscription, if still present
Subscription Credits
If you have any remaining subscription credit, we would encourage you to use it prior to cancelation.
Ending your subscription will immediately forfeit any unused subscription credits remaining on your account. Subscription credits can only be used during the course of an active subscription.
Updating Cards for Subscriptions
You are not able to delete cards assigned to Silhouette Design Store subscriptions monthly payments. However, you can update the credit card assignment for these services as follows:
To update the card associated with your Silhouette Design Store subscription:
- Add a new credit card to your account.
- Sign in at the silhouettedesignstore.com
- Click on Subscriptions on the left side of the page, then click Manage next to the subscription you want to update.
- After confirming the card you want to use, click Save.
Additional Purchase Discount with Design Store Subscription
Deluxe-level Silhouette Design Store subscriptions and higher-level plans (Deluxe, Premium, Diamond) can receive special pricing after all subscription credits are exhausted for the month.
As a special perk for these higher subscription levels, additional downloads beyond your subscription credit allotment can be purchased at 25% off (Deluxe), or 50% off (Premium/Diamond) of the standard offering price.
How Special Pricing Works
If your cart total exceeds your available subscription credit balance, additional designs as you browse the Silhouette Design Store will be listed at the discounted rate (25% or 50% off) according to your subscription level perk.
As additional designs are added to your cart, our system will automatically determine which designs to discount in order to provide you with the highest savings. This means that it is possible for one price to be displayed as you are browsing, but then may be changed as the item is added to your cart. This is because our system has determined that the discount should be applied to a different design in your cart in order to automatically provide you with the greatest benefit.
Trial Subscription to Silhouette Design Store
A free 30-day Trial Subscription to the Silhouette Design Store ($25 value) is provided with the registration of new Silhouette machines.
Activating Your Trial Subscription
To activate your free Trial Subscription:
- Register your machine
- Once registration is completed, log into your Silhouette account on the Silhouette Design Store
- You will be prompted to redeem your free one-month Trial Subscription
Activation Issue
If you have dismissed the free Trial Subscription option and want to find it again, do the following:
- Go to the Credits & Subscription section in your Silhouette Design Store Account Settings
- Scroll down to the 'Subscription' section
- Click on the "Claim Free Trial Subscription" button
NOTE: As you redeem your free Trial Subscription, you will be taken through the process of signing up for a subscription. The Trial Subscription period is free. Once the trial period is ended, your Trial Subscription will be rolled into a paid Basic Subscription. However, you can end your Trial Subscription at any time during the 30-day trial period.
What if I already Have a Subscription
If you already have an active subscription service when registering your new machine, your Silhouette account will instead be issued a complimentary $25 subscription credit, rather than a Trial Subscription service.
Subscription Terms and Conditions
Click here for subscription Terms and Conditions.
How Can I buy Finished Projects?
Silhouette does not sell finished projects. Our company offers cutting machines that allow you to create your own cut-out projects from content sold at www.silhouettedesignstore.com.
You can learn more about Silhouette at www.silhouetteamerica.com.