If you are unable to run Silhouette software on your Macbook that has an Apple M1 or M2 processor:

  1. Open the Mac Terminal (in the Finder app, open the /Applications/Utilities folder and open 'Terminal')
  2. Paste the following into the Terminal:
    /usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
  3. Close the Terminal
  4. Attempt to launch and use the Silhouette software program again

Silhouette Connect Issues

If using Silhouette Connect and continued concerns are encountered:

  1. Go to the Creative Cloud app
  2. Go to Open > "Open (Intel)"

This should allow you to run a compatible version of Adobe Illustrator.


If you are unable to do this, then the only other option at this time would be to downgrade your Illustrator program to any version below 25.3.

We recommend that you continue to update your software as you see new updates available.